About Us
This website is brought to you by Walters Gardens, Inc., North America’s leading wholesale perennial grower for over 70 years. Walters Gardens is a family run business located in Zeeland, Michigan which is west of Grand Rapids near the shore of Lake Michigan. The company has grown from a small farm of less than five acres worked by just a few men, to a large corporation with over 250 employees, 1,500 acres of land, and 500,000 square feet of greenhouse space. Almost 20 million perennial liners are shipped to independent garden centers, wholesale growers, online retailer companies, landscapers, and municipalities across the USA and Canada annually.
Walters Gardens, Inc. has built its reputation on offering a wide variety of new and classic perennials of the finest quality. Modern growing technologies, plant virus testing, hybridizing and new plant introductions, and marketing support help our customers put down profitable roots.
Walters Gardens, Inc. is proud to support home gardeners’ interests in perennial gardening through this website. The perennials you see here may be available from the suppliers listed on this site in the Find a Retailer section. Please support these fine retailers, as they help to make www.PerennialResource.com possible.

Walters Gardens is a family run business located in Zeeland, Michigan which is west of Grand Rapids near the shore of Lake Michigan. The company has grown from a small farm of less than five acres worked by just a few men, to a large corporation with over 250 employees, 1,500 acres of land, and 500,000 square feet of greenhouse space. Almost 20 million perennial liners are shipped to independent garden centers, wholesale growers, online retailer companies, landscapers, and municipalities across the USA and Canada annually.
Walters Gardens, Inc. has built its reputation on offering a wide variety of new and classic perennials of the finest quality. Modern growing technologies, plant virus testing, hybridizing and new plant introductions, and marketing support help our customers put down profitable roots.
Walters Gardens, Inc. is proud to support home gardeners’ interests in perennial gardening through this website. The perennials you see here may be available from the suppliers listed on this site in the Find a Retailer section. Please support these fine retailers, as they help to make www.PerennialResource.com possible.