Anemone coronaria Harmony Series - Blue

Common Name: Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone

The huge, brilliantly colored blossoms of these anemones will blow you away!  We certainly were when we saw the 2 ½ - 3 ½ inch wide blossoms on fuzzy stems atop these cute dwarf plants.

Harmony Series-Blue produces huge 3-3 ½”, periwinkle purple flowers with a navy blue button center.  Approximately 25% of the flowers may be double and the rest will be single.

The bright green, parsley-like foliage emerges early in spring and the plants bloom quickly before the heat of summer arrives.  By summer, they typically go dormant until the following spring.  Though they are hardy in warmer zones, most people grow them as spring annuals. 

These anemones would be perfect for spring dish gardens and combo containers paired with Dianthus, pansies, or Bellis.  They make a terrific pot crop for holiday sales like Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day.