Hemerocallis 'Round Midnight'

Common Name: Daylily

Highly popular at retail, this eye catching large flowered daylily produces loads of fragrant, 6 inch purple flowers in midsummer.  Well-grown clumps can have super high bud counts of 40-70 on strong, 4-5 way branching scapes.  The sunfast, deep reddish purple flower color have a discreet, cream picotee edge and their form is wide and round.  The petals are diamond dusted, giving them a lovely sheen in the sunny landscape.  'Round Midnight' is a healthy, vigorous grower and a rapid propagator.

Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone).