Phlox paniculata 'Prismatic Pink' CPBRAF PP35787

LUMINARY® Collection

Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox

Tall Garden Phlox are a favorite in the garden, but often are plagued by powdery mildew in hot, humid conditions. These varieties are selected especially for their improved resistance over typical Phlox paniculata varieties. With beautiful colors and incredible performance, these are varieties to plant and watch them grow, with little work required.

'Prismatic Pink' has large, well-formed panicles of bubblegum pink flowers with dark pink eyes. This variety matches the height of the rest of the collection; perfect for the middle of the border.

These perennials are a favorite of gardeners around the world and a staple of North American native gardens. Be sure to locate these plants in full sun for the best flowering performance and to help avoid powdery mildew concerns. A favorite of pollinators.