Caring for Daylilies through the Seasons


Early Spring:

This is a good time to plant daylilies in both northern and southern states. They can also be planted in late fall in the south. If planted in summer when the temperature and humidity is high, they may rot.

The best time to divide and transplant daylilies is as soon as you see the new fans emerging from the ground in the spring. Dividing at this time of the year is less stressful for the plants. 

Late Spring:

Late spring is the perfect time to fertilize, either with a liquid fertilizer or an all-purpose (13-13-13) granular fertilizer.


Enjoy the beautiful blossoms!  Remove spent flower stalks to prevent the plant from producing seed and to improve the plant's appearance.  Also clean up any yellowing or unsightly leaves at this time.

Mid Fall:

When preparing your perennial beds for winter, use a sharp knife or clippers to cut the daylily foliage back to 3-4" above the crown.  Compost the waste rather than leaving it in the flower bed.

Late Fall:

Mulch your perennial beds as soon as your area has experienced several hard frosts. This 2-3" deep layer of mulch is not to keep the plants warm, but to keep them at a constant temperature. Freezing and thawing can result in perennials heaving out of the ground if they are not mulched.